Dr. Satoru NAKAMURA البروفسور ناكامورا ساتورو / اليابان

Curriculum Vitae


                                                     March 12, 2018

البروفسور ناكامورا  ساتورو




Dr. Satoru Nakamura, specialist on the history, politics, and security in the Gulf. Research fellow at IHEID (Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales et du Devèloppement, 2015). Visiting scholar to the College of Law and Politics at King Saud University (2015). Assistant professor at Kobe University, Japan (2002-). Ph.D. dissertation on the State Formation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia accepted at Department of Islamic Area Studies, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Tohoku University, Japan in 2002. Special Assistant to the Embassy of Japan in Riyadh (1994-97). Guest researcher to Upper House of Japanese Parliament (2002).



Satoru Nakamura is associate professor at Kobe University. He is a specialist on the history, politics, and security in the Gulf. He is the editor of several books, including reventive Diplomacy in the Middle East. Shinzansha Co: Tokyo, 2012. (in Japanese), 65 Chapters to Understand Saudi Arabia. Tokyo: Akashi Publishing Co. 2015 (revised ed.) (in Japanese). His recent journal articles are “Saudi Arabian Diplomacy to Alienate from the U.S. and ally with France and China,” (In Japanese),“Constraints Arising from Domestic Security Concerns on Saudi Arabian Policy toward the Syrian Crisis: A Perspective on Omnibalance Theory (in Japanese)”.


Personal details


Current Affiliation: Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, Japan.

Major methodology of research: Area Studies

Certification: Doctor of Philosophy (International Cultural Studies)

Place, date of birth:     Hokkaido, 6 March 1970.

Nationality:                  Japanese

Office Tel:    1 (Kobe University3

E-mail address:           satnaka@kobe-u.ac.jp

Web page in English (1): http://web.cla.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/doku.php?id=kenkyuka:departments:international_relations_and_comparative_politics:nakamura.satoru


Web page in English (2): http://www2.kobe-u.ac.jp/~satnaka/indexeng.html


Chat: satnaka1




  1. April-today. rofessor at Graduate School of Inter-cultural Studies, Kobe University


  1. 20 April –2018. March. Associate Professor at Graduate School of Inter-cultural Studies, Kobe University

2002.Oct.–      Assistant Professor at Faculty of the Cross-Cultural Study,

Kobe University


2002.Jul. –Sep. Guest Researcher for the Upper Assembly (Upper Diet or Sangiin) in Japan


1994~97  Special Assistant at the Embassy of Japan in al-Riyadh


Plus, part-time lectureor at Kansai University (2009), University of Foreign Languages in Osaka, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (2013), Kwansei Gakuin Univesity (2012-2013)


Research & Education

May 2015-August 2015. Visiting Scholar to CCDP (Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding ) at IHEID (Institute de Hautes Études Internationales et du Dévelopment), Geneva, Switzerland.

January 2015 – May 2015. Visiting Scholar to Department of Political Science, College of Law and Politics, King Saud University.

August 2014 – January 2015 Visiting Researcher to Gulf Studies Program, Qatar University

2013 Feb. Visiting Researcher to King Faisal Foundation, Saudi Arabia

July 2004 – July 2006 Security Studies Fellowship Program (12th ) of Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS) and Center for Global Partnership (CGP), Japan Foundation

2005 – Today  Research fellow of CISMO (Center for Interdisciplinary Study of

Monotheistic Religions), Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan

2002     Ph.D. dissertation at the Department of the Islamic Area Study,

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University.

Title of English Translation: “The Formation and Foundation of Rule of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Toward an Analysis of the Political Roles of the Urban and Nomadic Peoples”

1998                M.A. at the Department of the Islamic Area Study, GrasuateSchool of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University

  • Graduated University of Tokyo for Foreign Studies, Arabic language Department


Fellowships and research FUND


– Research grant through the Kobe University program ’Institutional Programme for Young Researchers Overseas Visit’ in fiscal year 2014/2015

– Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Category “C”  (Apr. 2013 to Mar. 2016, extended to March 2017)

– Member of Resaerch Project ’’Building Interdisciplinary Studies on Conflict Prevention in the Middle East,” Organizer, Dr. Hisae NAKANISHI, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Category “A”  (Apr. 2010 to Mar. 2013)


– The Organizer of a three year Research Project “the Potentiality of Preventive Diplomacy in the Middle East with Special Reference to the Gulf.”


Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Category “A”  (Apr. 2007 to Mar. 2010)


-2004-2006: Security Studies Fellowship Program (RIPS) (http://www.rips.or.jp/english/experts/japan-uspartnership_program/japan-uspartnership_program.html)


– Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Category “C”  (Ap. 2003 to Mar. 2005)


– 2002.Apr. –Sep.: Research Fellow (PD) of the Japan Society of the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


Areas of Research
  • History of Saudi Arabia
  • Politics in Saudi Arabia
  • Seuciry Study in the Middle East
  • International Relations in the Middle East

–  Multiculturalism in Muslim Society

–  Japan-Gulf relations




  • Association of International Security in Japan (Editing committee)
  • Japan Association of Middle East Studies (councilor)
  • Japan Association of International Relations
  • Association for Islamic Studies in Japan
  • Japan Society for Intercultural Studies


Presentations at International symposiums and workshops



-Challenges for Qatar and Japan to Build Multilayered Relations, At Middle East Institute, Shanhai International Studies University on November 28, 2016.


-Satoru Nakamura, Proceeding Paper. “Counterterrorism Measures by Muslim States: A Comparison between a “Democratic State” (Indonesia) and an “Authoritarian State” (Saudi Arabia)”, 4th Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference (Kyoto, November 22-24, 2016).


-Satoru Nakamura, Proceeding Paper. “Modification of the OSCE Model to Be Applied to the Middle East: Including Effective Measures for Confidence Building to Overcome Sectarianism”, Gulf Research Meeting 2016, Workshop 2 (Cambridge University, August 19, 2016)


علاقة بين المملكة العربية السعودية واليابان في السياسة الاقتصادية والتعاون التقنية

24رجب 1436, في قسم العلوم السياسية بجامعة الملك سعود, الرياض, مملكة العربية السعودية


60 عاما من علاقة بين المملكة العربية السعودية و اليابان

15 رجب 1436, في قسم التاريخ, جامعة الملك سعود, الرياض, مملكة العربية السعودية


المنظمات الإقليمية والدبلوماسية الوقائية لمنع الحرب في الشرق الأوسط

قسم علوم سياسية بكلية الحقوق و العلوم السياسية, جامعة الملك سعود

جمادي الأول 4, 1436 ه


“Comparison between Saudi Arabia and Indonesia over Their Counterterrorism Measures,” Gulf Studies Center, room 113, Men’s Building, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, January 6, 2015.


“Relations between the Gulf and Japan: Potentiality and Future with Special Focus on Qatar,” Administrative Building, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, December 30, 2014.


“Security,” Session 4 Possible cooperation and collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Japan, Policy Dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Japan, Tokyo Prince Hotel, December 25, 2013.


“How Could Deeper Japan-Gulf Ties Help Strengthen Security, Prosperity and Democratic Governance in the Region?” Session 3: Possible Cooperation and Collaboration between Japan and the Gulf Countries Based on the Discussion in Session 1and Session2, Security Roundtable for Intellectual Exchanges between Japan and the Gulf Counties, Doha, October 9, 2013.


“New Omnibalancing theory and Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy: Case of Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy during the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis”, scheduled presentation at 4th Gulf Research Meeting at Cambridge University in July 4, 2013.


“Strategic Vision to Promote Academic Cooperation between Saudi Arabia & Japan.” At 4th Session “The Future of Saudi-Japanese Relations”, 4th Saudi-Japanese Workshop. Tokyo: JIIA. March 22, 2013.


“Omnibalancing Theory and the Possibility of Preventive Diplomacy: Case of Saudi Arabia,” at International Conference on Conflict Prevention in the Middle East: Searching for Alternative Ways, November 9, 2012 at the Former Building of Consulate General of Japan, Istanbul, Turkey. (in English)


“Modernization and National Identity in Saudi Arabia” Forth International Symposium Modernity and Values in a Changing World, Prince Mohsin Bin Jalawi Center for Research & Islamic Studies in cooperation with the Center of Interdisciplinary Study for Monotheistic Religions (CISMOR), Doshisha University, April 29-30, 2012, in Sharja, UAE. (in English and Arabic)


“Saudi Arabian Regional Security Policy (2001-2011)”, IDE-JETRO Policy Research Group Meeting, January13, 2012, at JETRO-IDE Office, Tokyo, Japan. (in Japanese)


“Role of Common Values between Saudi Arabia and Japan for Peace Building,” International Workshop, King Abdullah Center for Islamic Contemporary Studies and Dialogue of Civilizations, Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia& CISMOR (Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Monotheistic Religions), Doshisha University, at Arab Islamic Institute, Tokyo, Japan. October 8, 2011. (in Japanese)


”Security Environments Fabricating Difficulties to Adapt the European Model of Preventive Diplomacy in the Middle East.”Proceeding paper for 8th AFMA (Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Association) conference (September 25-6 , 2010).

(in English)


”A Research on Counterterrorism Measures Taken in an Islamic State by Adopting an Area Study Approach: Achievements and Challenges of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” Workshop by MEP (Project for Preventive Diplomacy in the Middle East) & GRC (Gulf Research Center), June 30, 2009 at GRC, Dubai.


”Middle Eastern Studies (MES) in Japan,” 6th Conference of the Dialogue Among Civilizations Between Japan and Islamic World, March 24-25, 2008 at Intercontinental Hotel, Riyadh.


” Examining the Current Political Trends in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Contesting the Dichotomy between Islamism versus Liberalism. Proceeding Paper for the 14th KAMES Annual International Conference, & The Middle East at Crossroads of Change. Myongji University Seoul Campus, October 14-6, 2005, pp.19-29. (in English)




BOOKS Edited by the author.



Satoru NAKAMURA ed. 63 Chapters to Understand Saudi Arabia. 2nd ed. Tokyo: Akashi Publishing Co. 2007. (in Japanese)


KIKKAWA, Gen & NAKAMURA, Satoru, eds. Chuto no Yoboudaikou (Preventive Diplomacy in the Middle East). Shinzansha Co: Tokyo, 2012. (in Japanese)

Supervisor of Co-translators for Anthony H. Cordesman. Saudi Arabia Enters the “21st Century: Challenge . The Political, Foreign Policy, Economic, and Energy Dimensions.Tokyo: Akashi Publishing Co. 2012. (in Japanese)


Satoru NAKAMURA ed. 65 Chapters to Understand Saudi Arabia. Tokyo: Akashi Publishing Co. 2007. (in Japanese)
Tadamasa Yoshida (supervising editot Satoru NAKAMURA). Saudi Arabia: Field Report in World Countries 38. Tokyo: Polular Publishing Co. 2009.

Articles and Co-Authers

“Applying OSCE Model to the Gulf,” In T. Niblock et el. Ed. Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security Community in the gulf Region,” Gerlach Press. 2017: pp.120-138.


“Saudi Arabian Diplomacy to Alienate from the U.S. and ally with France and China,” CISTEC Journal 167 (January 2017): 112-127. (In Japanese)


“Security Dilemma between Saudi Arabia and Iran,” Chutokenkyuu (Middle East Studies), no.525 (January 2016), 39-51. (In Japanese)


“Middle East Politics: Anlysis of Counter-’Terrorism’ Measures: ISIS, Gulf Politics,and Muslim Brotherhood,” Sekai(World), December 2014: 206-215. (In Japanese)


“Constraints Arising from Domestic Security Concerns on Saudi Arabian Policy toward the Syrian Crisis: A Perspective on Omnibalance Theory (in Japanese),” Kokusaiseiji (International Relations) 178 (October 2014): 58-72.


“Decline of the Seat for Securty Council in the United Nations by Saudi Arabia, (In Japanese language)“ Synodos Dec. 17, 2013 (http://synodos.jp/international/6449).


“Saudi Arabian Response toward Syrian Crisis in Context of Middle East Regional Politics.” Chutokenkyu (Middle East Studies) , no.516 (February 2013), pp.44-57.


“Saudi Arabian Diplomacy during the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis: Domestic Pressure, Multilateralism, and Regional Rivalry for an Islamic State.” Hitoshi Suzuki (ed.), The Middle East Turmoil And Japanese Response—For a Sustainable Regional Peacekeeping System–. IDE-JETRO, March 2013. (English).


“Urgency of Drastic Reforms for Saudi Arabia” in Shu Mizutani ed. Accounting for Arab Mass Revolutions (Arab Minshu Kakumei wo Kangaeru). Kokushokankoukai: Tokyo, 2011.

“Riyadh” in West Asia (Asakura World Geological Studies 6).Tokyo: Asakura Publishing Co. 2010: 138-140.


“Omnibalancing Theory: the Pattern of Alignment by Third World States,” Paper at Japan Association of International Relations, October 2010.

“The Middle East Regional Politics without Grand Vision and Japan.” Shushin, July 2010: 18-22.

“Tribal Politics in the Arabian Peninsula prior to the Emergence of the First Saudi Dynasty,” Kinddai (Modernity) 103:1-70, July 2010.

“Rule by Āl Su̒ῡd in the Arabian Peninsula from the Latter Half of 18th Century to the Early 19th Century.” In Association of Historical Studies ed. Historical Souces 8: Imperialism and Local Resistances I, South Asia, Middle East, and Africa. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten Publishers Co: 193-194.

“Socialization of Islamic Concepts Useful to Counter Terrorism: Case of Saudi Arabia.” International Security (Kokusaianzenhoshou), vol.37 (2): 95-114. September 2009.

“Conflict Zones and a Challenge to build a Regime of Preventive Diplomacy in the Middle East.” Departmental Bulletin Paper, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University 32: 141-169. July 2009.

“State Formation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Elites: Methodological Examination.” Kindai (Modernization) 101: 89-127. May 2009.

“State Formation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Preceding Studies on the Political Roles of the Urban Dwellers and the Bedouins.” Kindai (Modernization) 100:1-42. May 2008.

“Human Security in the Middle East,” in Reports for Pan-Pacific Forum, 2006.

“U.S. Saudi Summit: Is ‘Special Relationship’ to be Resurrected?” Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (Chutokenkyu), 2005/2006, vol.2, no.489, pp.3-31.


“Petitions for Democratization in Saudi Arabia: the Map of the Political Confrontation and Future,” International Affairs (Kokusaimondai), no.522, Sep. 2003, pp.17-34.

“Reforms in Political Economy and Institutional Changes in Political Coordination in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” Legislation and Investigation (Rippou to Chousa), no.236, July 2003, pp.28-32.

“The Emergence of the National Identity in the Kingdom of the Saudi Arabia: the Process and the Features,” in Comprehensive Study on Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia no Sougouteki Kenkyuu), The Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2001, pp.81-124.

“The Open Door Policy and “the Pro-Regime Reformists” in Saudi Arabia,” the Contemporary Middle East (Gendai no Chuto), no.31, July 2001, pp.71-93.

“The Ikhwan Movement and Tribal Politics (1912-1920),” Annuals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies (Nihon Chuto Gakkai Nenpou), no.15, 2000, pp.127-151.

“The “Terrorist” as a Symbol against U.S.: Is Usamah bin Ladin a Hiro of Jihad or a Terrorist?” the Contemporary Middle East(Gendai no Chuto), no.26, March 1999, pp.58-77.



Teaching at Kobe university


For Graduate School

-Middle East Area Studies

-Security Studies

-Seminars for PhD and MA

-4 students are hired for post of researchers in Japan.


For Undergraduate level

-lecture: Society and Politics in the Middle East

-lecture: Peacebuilding Studies

-lecture: Arabic Language for beginners

-Seminars for graduattion thesis


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