Belal Asdaque Doctoral Research Scholar, Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi.
بلال اصدقي باحث دكتوراه قسم الفارسي جامعة دلهي
Residential Address: Mobile No. +91- 9971882668
Flat No. FF3, Plot No. 408,
Sector-3 Vasundhra , Email :
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Educational Qualifications
- Class I to XII from Kendriya Vidyalaya No.-1 (Central Government School ) Kankarbagh, Patna, 1988-2000.
- B.A. Hons. Pe rsia n (in Modern Persian language with Translation and Interpretation) from
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in July 2004.
- M .A. Pe rsian La ng uage (with Persian Language Translation and Interpretation as Specialization and also studied Persian Modern and Classical Literature ) from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in July 2006
- M .Phil. Pe rsian La ng uage from University of Delhi (DU) in 2008
v Title of Research: “L ife and Society of India in the 19th Century: A study based on major Persian newspapers of India.”
v Studied Palaeography (Manuscript reading and Interpretation).
- Ph.D. Scho la r in Department of Persian, University of Delhi (DU).
v Broad area of research: Persian Journalism of 19th Century India.
v Title o f Research: “Literary and Cultural Study of the Aina-i-Sikandar (APersian Newspaper of 19th century India).”
v Thesis not submitted yet .
- Certificate in Arabic La ng uage from University of Delhi (DU) in 2016 (not completed yet).
Research Publications
- Article titled “P ersian Newspapers and Journals of Delhi’s Past and Present” in book titled “Delhi’s Past and Present; Focus on Persian Sources” edited by Prof. Rehana Khatoon, published by Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi; in 2011.
- Article Title: “Dar Malaazamat-e-Ustad” Published in a book Titled:”Zindagi Name wa Khidmaate Elmi-o-Farhangi-e-Profesur Shareef Hussain Qasemi “Published from Anjuman-i-Asar-o-Mufakher-i-Farhangi, Tehran, Iran, 2016.
Unpublished Work
- Article titled : Oman in Persian newspapers of early 19th century ” , Under Review for publication , from National Records and Archives Authority , Sultanate of Oman.
- Article titled : Foreing Relation of Oman with India and Iran: A review of English, Persian and Urdu sources preserved in National archives of India nad other institutions of India ” , Under Review for publication , from National Records and Archives Authority , Sultanate of Oman.
- Article titled “Akhbar-e-Dakkan dar ruznamehaye Farsi hende qarne nuzdahu m miladi” (“News of Deccan in Persian newspapers of 19th century India”). Under review for publication in “Qand- e-Parsi, The Quarterly Journal of Persian Culture, Language and Literature” published by Centre of Persian Research, O ffice of the C ultural Counsellor, Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi.
- Article titled “Mohammed Ali Pasha, the Egyptian Hero of 19th century in Persian Newspapers of India”. Under Review.
- Article titled ” Opium news and conflict of states in South Asia : Analysis of reports of Persian Newspapers of India”. Under Writing.
- Article titled “Social Conflicts in India as reported in Persian Newspapers of Early 19th century India”. Under Writing.
- Article title “Unneeswin sadi ke Bharat mein Farsi patrakaaritaa ka itihaas” (“History of Persian journalism in India of 19th century”). Under review.
- Book titled “Simaye Iran dar ruznamehaye Hindustaan-e-qarne nuzdahum miladi” (“Appearance of Iran in Persian newspapers of India of 19th century”). Under review
- Book titled “Abolition of Persian Language from India during the British Period”. Under Writing.
- Book titled “Depiction of Awadh in Persian Newspapers of India”. Under Writing.
Participation in Seminars/Conferences
1.International Seminars
- Seminar Title:
Development of Persian Language and Literature in South India (Deccan)
Venue: Usmania University Hyderabad.
Date: 28-30 March 2009
Title of Paper: “Deccan in Persian Newspapers of 19th century India.”
- Seminar Title: Delhi’s Past and Present: Focus on Persian Sources
Venue: Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi. Date: 12-14 March 2010
Title of Paper: “Persian newspapers and journals of Delhi: Past and Present.”
- Seminar Title: S ufistic Literature Produced in Persian: Tradition and Dimensions
Venue: Institute of Persian Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aliagarh. Date: 9 – 11 March 2013
- Seminar Title:
Indo-Persian Literature in Comme moration of the Legacy and Contribution of
Late Prof. S. A. H. Abidi to Persian literature.
Venue: Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Date: 28 Feb -2 March 2013
Title of Paper: “Mo’arrefi-e-Rooznama-e-Shamsul Akhbar.”
- Seminar Title: Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil
Venue: Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
Date: 15 – 18 March 2013
Title of my Paper: “Baaz Bini dar Pajohesh-i-Ash’aare Bedil Az negahe Farsi danan.”
- Seminar Title:
The Role of Awadh in the Promotion of Persian and Arabic Language and Literature.
Venue: Lucknow University.
Date: 08-10 Feb 2014
Title of Paper: “Depiction of Awadh in Persian newspapers of 19th Century India”
- Seminar Title: Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil
Venue: Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
Date: 15 – 18 March 2013
Title of my Paper: “Baaz Bini dar Pajohesh-i-Ash’aare Bedil Az negahe Farsi danan.”
- Seminar Title: Oman in International Press
Venue: National Records and Archives Authority, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman .
Date: 10-11 October 2016
Title of Paper: “Oman in Persian Newspapers of early 19th century India.”
- Seminar Title: Munshi Naval Kishore and Printing – Press in Colonial India.
Venue: University of Delhi, Delhi.
Date: 23 -24 Feb 2017
Title of Paper: “Khidmat-i-Munshi Naval Kishore Dar Zameenah-e-Ruzname Navisi dar Hend.”
- Seminar Title: Oman’s Relation with the countries of the Indian Ocean and the Gulf from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century.
Organised by : National Record and Archives and Authority, Sultanate of Oman and Govt. of Kuwait
Venue : Kuwait
Date: 11 -13 Feb 2017
Title of Paper: “Foreign relation of Oman with India and Iran : A review of English , Persian and Urdu sources preserved in National Archives of India and other Institutions of India.”
2.National Seminars
- Seminar Title: Research Scholar Ghalib Seminar 2011
Venue: Ghalib Institute, New Delhi.
Date: 24 September 2011
Title of my Paper: “L iterary and Cultural Study of Aina-i-Sikandar.”
- Seminar Title: Challenges to Oriental Studies in 21st Century.
Venue: Department of Sanskrit, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir.
Date: 17 – 19 October 2011
Title of my Paper: “Weaning of textual studies with reference to Persian studies at University level.”
- Seminar Title: 46th Session of All-India Oriental Conference, Srinagar.
Venue: Department of Sanskrit, University of Kashmir, Kashmir.
Date: 1 – 3 October 2012
Title of my Paper: “L iterary and Cultural Study of Aina-i-Sikandar as a source for Oriental studies.”
- Seminar Title: Insha Nawisi in Persian literature during the Mughal Court
Venue: Department of Persian, University of Delhi.
Date: 20 March 2015
Title of my Paper: “Insha Nawisi (Letter Writings) as a major source for writing Persian Newspapers of 19th Century India .”
- Seminar Title: Shaikh Saadi Shirazi
Venue: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Arabic Persian Research Institute , Tonk Rajesthan .
Date: 07-09 March 2017
Title of my Paper: “Spritual and Religious inputs in Shaikh Saadi’s work .”
Paper Accepted in seminars:
- Seminar Title: Biruni International Conference
Venue:University of Dhaka,Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Date: 12-13 December 2013
Title of Paper: “Representation of Indian festivals by Al-Biruni.”
- Seminar Title: 10th International Society for Iranian Studies Biennial Conference .
Venue: International Society for Iranian Studies . Montreal, Canada.
Date: 6-10 August 2014
Title of Paper: “Reviewing the world of 19th century through early Persian Newspapers of India.
Workshops and Refresher Courses
- 4th Workshop on Learning of Persian Manuscript Reading and Editing Course
Venue: Persian Research Centre, Iran culture House, Delhi.
Date: 21 – 25 July 2008
- 10th RegionalPersianRefresher Course
Venue : Iran Culture house , New Delhi
Date: July 2008
- Refresher Course on Persian Language
Venue: Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Date: 23 July – 20 August 2010
- 8th Workshop on Learning of Persian Manuscript Reading and Editing Course
Venue: Iran Culture House , New Delhi. Date: 20 – 22 July 2011
- 1st All India Persian Student’s Olympiad
Venue: Iran Culture House, New Delhi.
Date: 18 – 20 January 2012
- 9th Worksho p on Learning of Persian Manuscript Reading and Editing Course
Venue: Iran Culture House, New Delhi. Date: 2 – 3 June 2012
- Basic Level Workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography (Persian, Arabic and Urdu) Venue: National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Delhi. Date: 15 November -5 December 2012
- Advance Level Workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography (Persian, Arabic and Urdu) Venue: National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Delhi. Date: 15 November -5 December 2015
Computer Acquaintance
- Basic Computer Application course from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 2001.
Languages Known
- Fluent in reading, writing and speaking Hindi, English, Urdu and Persian.
- Preliminary knowledge of reading, writing and speaking of Arabic and French.
Work Experiences
- Language Interpreter and Translator for Iranian tourists with SITA Travels, New Delhi in 2004.
- Language Interpreter and Translator for Iranian tourists with Minar Travels, New Delhi in 2011.
- Research Coordinator at Science and Technology and Education Section of Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi in 2011.
- Research Assistant to Prof. Margrit Pernau (Senior Researcher, History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany), in 2011-12. Book Published from Oxford India. Title of the book: ” Learning how to feel : Children’s Literature and Emotional Socialization.
- orked For Iran Culture Fairs Institute / Tehran International Book Fair in Delhi International Book Fair in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 as an Iranian Language Expert and Program Coordinator.
- Worked as an Iranian Language Interpreter for Sehgal and Sehgal Industrial Goods Manufacturer Company Pvt Ltd.( Mr. Jatin Sehgal, M-9810861848) For their Iranian Client.
- Worked as a Faculty member of Persian Language at Academy of British and Foreign Language , Old Rajender Nagar New Delhi from January 2015 to August 2015.
- Presently giving home classes of Persian Language to some people ( Mr. Rahul 9911555051,Mr. Akash 9910436795, Mr.Afif -844766076, Mr. Nilu Khaeja 9818477830 etc).
- Presently working as Language Interpreter and Translator and Tour Manager for Iranian tourists with Go India Journeys (a unit of Le Passage to India), New Delhi, since 2010.
- Worked as a Deputy Manager Grade (Employee No. 24166) at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP, Gurgaon in the Forensic and Dispute Services Department of Financial Advisory Function in a Due Diligence Project that is Business Intelligence Services team to conduct background searches on a number of Iran based company using Persian Language from August 2016 to October 2016.
Personal Deta
- Father’s Name: Ghulam Asdaque
- Mother’s Name: Safida Khatoon
- Date of Birth: 09/08/1981
- Marital status: Married
- Nationality: Indian
- Passport Number: Z-2729709 (valid from 20/09/2013 to 19/09/2023)
- Permanent Address: Flat no.- 103, Sylvan Heritage Apartment, Birla Mandir Road, Sabzibagh, PS : P irbahor, Patna- 800004, Bihar, India.
DATE: 18/01/2018
PLAC E: Ghaziabad (U.P.) India (BELAL AS DAQ UE)