Belal Asdaque Doctoral Research Scholar, Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi.


Belal Asdaque Doctoral Research Scholar, Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi.

بلال اصدقي باحث دكتوراه قسم الفارسي جامعة دلهي 

Residential Address:                                                                                   Mobile No. +91- 9971882668

Flat No. FF3, Plot No. 408,

 Sector-3 Vasundhra ,                                                                            Email :

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh                                                                                              

Educational Qualifications

  • Class I to XII from Kendriya Vidyalaya No.-1 (Central Government School ) Kankarbagh, Patna, 1988-2000.
  • B.A.  Hons.  Pe rsia n  (in  Modern  Persian  language  with  Translation  and  Interpretation)  from

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in July 2004.

  • M .A. Pe rsian La ng uage  (with Persian Language Translation and Interpretation as Specialization and also studied Persian Modern and Classical Literature ) from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in July 2006
  • M .Phil. Pe rsian La ng uage from University of Delhi (DU) in 2008

v      Title of Research: “L ife and Society of India in the 19th  Century: A study based on major Persian newspapers of India.”

v     Studied Palaeography (Manuscript reading and Interpretation).

  • Ph.D. Scho la r in Department of Persian, University of Delhi (DU).

v     Broad area of research: Persian Journalism of 19th Century India.

v   Title o f Research: “Literary and Cultural Study of the Aina-i-Sikandar (APersian     Newspaper of 19th century India).”

v     Thesis not submitted yet .

  • Certificate in Arabic La ng uage from University of Delhi (DU) in 2016 (not completed yet).

Research Publications

  • Article titled  “P ersian  Newspapers and  Journals of Delhi’s Past and  Present”  in book  titled Delhi’s Past and Present; Focus on Persian Sources” edited by Prof. Rehana Khatoon, published by Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi; in 2011.
  • Article Title: “Dar Malaazamat-e-Ustad” Published in a book Titled:”Zindagi Name wa Khidmaate Elmi-o-Farhangi-e-Profesur Shareef Hussain Qasemi Published from Anjuman-i-Asar-o-Mufakher-i-Farhangi, Tehran, Iran, 2016.

 Unpublished Work 

  1. Article titled : Oman in Persian newspapers of early 19th century ” , Under Review for publication , from National Records and Archives Authority , Sultanate of Oman.
  2. Article titled : Foreing Relation of Oman with India and Iran:  A review of  English, Persian and Urdu sources preserved in National archives of India nad other institutions of India ” , Under Review for publication , from National Records and Archives Authority , Sultanate of Oman.
  3. Article titled “Akhbar-e-Dakkan dar ruznamehaye Farsi hende qarne nuzdahu m miladi” (“News of Deccan in Persian newspapers of 19th century India”). Under review for publication in Qand- e-Parsi, The Quarterly Journal of Persian Culture, Language and Literature” published by Centre of Persian Research, O ffice of the C ultural Counsellor, Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi.
  4. Article titled “Mohammed Ali Pasha, the Egyptian Hero of 19th century in Persian Newspapers of India”. Under Review.
  5. Article titled ” Opium news and conflict of states in South Asia : Analysis of reports of Persian Newspapers of India”. Under Writing.
  6. Article titled “Social Conflicts in India as reported in Persian Newspapers of Early 19th century  India”. Under Writing.
  7. Article title “Unneeswin sadi ke Bharat mein Farsi patrakaaritaa ka itihaas” (“History of Persian journalism in India of 19th century”). Under review.
  8. Book titled “Simaye Iran dar ruznamehaye Hindustaan-e-qarne nuzdahum miladi” (“Appearance of Iran in Persian newspapers of India of 19th century”). Under review
  9. Book titled “Abolition of Persian Language  from India during the British Period”. Under Writing.
  1. Book titled “Depiction of Awadh in Persian Newspapers of India”. Under Writing.

Participation in Seminars/Conferences

 1.International Seminars

  • Seminar Title:

      Development of Persian Language and Literature in South India (Deccan)

Venue: Usmania University Hyderabad.

Date: 28-30 March 2009

Title of Paper: “Deccan in Persian Newspapers of 19th century India.”

  • Seminar Title: Delhi’s Past and Present: Focus on Persian Sources

Venue: Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi. Date: 12-14 March 2010

Title of Paper: “Persian newspapers and journals of Delhi: Past and Present.”

  • Seminar Title: S ufistic Literature Produced in Persian: Tradition and Dimensions

Venue: Institute of Persian Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aliagarh. Date: 9 – 11 March 2013

  • Seminar Title:

      Indo-Persian Literature in Comme moration of the Legacy and Contribution of

Late Prof. S. A. H. Abidi to Persian literature.

Venue: Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Date: 28 Feb -2 March 2013

Title of Paper: “Mo’arrefi-e-Rooznama-e-Shamsul Akhbar.”

  • Seminar Title: Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil

Venue: Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.

Date: 15 – 18 March 2013

Title of my Paper: “Baaz Bini dar Pajohesh-i-Ash’aare Bedil Az negahe Farsi danan.”

  • Seminar Title:

        The Role of Awadh in the Promotion of Persian and Arabic Language and        Literature.

Venue: Lucknow University.

Date: 08-10 Feb 2014

Title of Paper: “Depiction of Awadh in Persian newspapers of 19th Century India”

  • Seminar Title: Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil

Venue: Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.

Date: 15 – 18 March 2013

Title of my Paper: “Baaz Bini dar Pajohesh-i-Ash’aare Bedil Az negahe Farsi danan.”

  • Seminar Title: Oman in International Press

Venue: National Records and Archives Authority, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman .

Date: 10-11 October 2016

Title of Paper: “Oman in Persian Newspapers of early 19th century India.”

  • Seminar Title: Munshi Naval Kishore and Printing – Press in Colonial India.

Venue: University of Delhi, Delhi.

Date: 23 -24 Feb 2017

Title of Paper: “Khidmat-i-Munshi Naval Kishore Dar Zameenah-e-Ruzname Navisi dar Hend.”

  • Seminar Title: Oman’s Relation with the countries of the Indian Ocean and  the Gulf from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century.

Organised by : National Record and Archives and Authority, Sultanate of Oman and Govt. of Kuwait

Venue : Kuwait

Date: 11 -13 Feb 2017

Title of Paper: “Foreign relation of Oman with India and Iran : A review of English , Persian and Urdu sources preserved in National Archives of India and other Institutions of India.”

       2.National Seminars

  • Seminar Title: Research Scholar Ghalib Seminar 2011

Venue: Ghalib Institute, New Delhi.

Date: 24 September 2011

Title of my Paper: “L iterary and Cultural Study of Aina-i-Sikandar.”

  • Seminar Title: Challenges to Oriental Studies in 21st Century.

Venue: Department of Sanskrit, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir.

Date: 17 – 19 October 2011

Title of my Paper: “Weaning of textual studies with reference to Persian studies at University level.”

  • Seminar Title: 46th Session of All-India Oriental Conference, Srinagar.

Venue: Department of Sanskrit, University of Kashmir, Kashmir.

Date: 1 – 3 October 2012

Title of my Paper: “L iterary and Cultural Study of Aina-i-Sikandar as a source for Oriental studies.” 

  • Seminar Title: Insha Nawisi in Persian literature during the Mughal Court

Venue: Department of  Persian, University of  Delhi.

Date: 20 March 2015

Title of my Paper: “Insha Nawisi (Letter Writings) as a major source for writing Persian Newspapers of 19th Century India .” 

  • Seminar Title: Shaikh Saadi Shirazi

Venue: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Arabic Persian Research Institute , Tonk Rajesthan .

Date: 07-09 March 2017

Title of my Paper: “Spritual and Religious inputs in Shaikh Saadi’s work .” 

Paper Accepted in seminars:

  • Seminar Title: Biruni International Conference

      Venue:University of Dhaka,Dhaka, Bangladesh.

      Date: 12-13 December 2013

Title of Paper: “Representation of Indian festivals by Al-Biruni.”

  • Seminar Title: 10th International Society for Iranian Studies Biennial Conference .

Venue: International Society for Iranian Studies . Montreal, Canada.

Date: 6-10  August 2014

Title of Paper: “Reviewing the world of 19th century through early Persian Newspapers of India.

   Workshops and Refresher Courses

  • 4th Workshop on Learning of Persian Manuscript Reading and Editing Course

Venue: Persian Research Centre, Iran  culture House, Delhi.

Date: 21 – 25 July 2008

  • 10th RegionalPersianRefresher Course

                               Venue : Iran Culture house , New Delhi

                             Date: July 2008

  • Refresher Course on Persian Language

      Venue: Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

      Date: 23 July – 20 August 2010

  • 8th Workshop on Learning of Persian Manuscript Reading and Editing Course

Venue: Iran Culture House , New Delhi. Date: 20 – 22 July 2011

  • 1st All India Persian Student’s Olympiad

      Venue: Iran Culture House, New Delhi.

      Date: 18 – 20 January 2012

  • 9th Worksho p on Learning of Persian Manuscript Reading and Editing Course

Venue: Iran Culture House, New Delhi. Date: 2 – 3 June 2012

  • Basic Level Workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography (Persian, Arabic and Urdu) Venue: National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Delhi. Date: 15 November -5 December 2012
  • Advance Level Workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography (Persian, Arabic and Urdu) Venue: National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Delhi. Date: 15 November -5 December 2015

Computer Acquaintance

  • Basic Computer Application course from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 2001.

Languages Known

  • Fluent in reading, writing and speaking Hindi, English, Urdu and Persian.
  •           Preliminary knowledge of reading, writing and speaking of Arabic and French.

      Work Experiences

  • Language Interpreter and Translator for Iranian tourists with SITA Travels, New Delhi in 2004.
  • Language Interpreter and Translator  for Iranian tourists with Minar Travels, New Delhi  in 2011.
  • Research Coordinator at Science and Technology and Education Section of Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi in 2011.
  • Research Assistant to Prof. Margrit Pernau (Senior Researcher, History of Emotions,     Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany), in 2011-12. Book Published from Oxford India. Title of the book: ” Learning how to feel : Children’s Literature and Emotional Socialization.
  • orked For Iran Culture Fairs Institute / Tehran International Book Fair in Delhi International Book Fair in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 as an Iranian Language Expert and Program Coordinator.
  • Worked as an Iranian Language Interpreter for Sehgal and Sehgal Industrial Goods Manufacturer Company Pvt Ltd.( Mr. Jatin Sehgal, M-9810861848) For their Iranian Client.
  • Worked as a Faculty member of Persian Language at Academy of British and Foreign Language , Old Rajender Nagar New Delhi from January 2015 to August 2015.
  • Presently giving home classes of Persian Language to some people ( Mr. Rahul 9911555051,Mr. Akash 9910436795, Mr.Afif -844766076, Mr. Nilu Khaeja 9818477830 etc).
  • Presently working as  Language Interpreter and Translator and Tour Manager for Iranian tourists with Go India Journeys (a unit of Le Passage to India), New Delhi, since 2010.
  • Worked as a Deputy Manager Grade (Employee No. 24166) at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP, Gurgaon in the Forensic and Dispute Services Department of Financial Advisory Function in a Due Diligence Project that is Business Intelligence Services team to conduct background searches on a number of Iran based company using Persian Language from August 2016 to October 2016.

   Personal Deta

  • Father’s Name:                     Ghulam Asdaque
  • Mother’s Name:                    Safida Khatoon
  • Date of Birth:                        09/08/1981
  • Marital  status:                     Married
  • Nationality:                           Indian

  • Passport Number:                Z-2729709 (valid from 20/09/2013 to 19/09/2023)
  • Permanent Address:  Flat no.- 103, Sylvan Heritage Apartment, Birla Mandir Road, Sabzibagh, PS : P irbahor, Patna- 800004, Bihar, India.

DATE: 18/01/2018                        

              PLAC E:  Ghaziabad (U.P.) India                                                         (BELAL AS DAQ UE)


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