الأستاذ الدكتور ميلاد مفتاح الحراثى/ ليبيا
سيالباحث الدكتور ميلاد مفتاح الحراثى تحصل علي منحة المجلس البريطاني الاكاديمي سنة 2014، والتي بموجبها التحق بكلية كلار، جامعة كيمبريديج البريطانية، كأستاذ باحث وزأئر 2014/2015 Clare College, University of Cambridge. هو أحد الباحثين العرب الليبيين الذين أكملوا تعليمهم في الجامعات الغربية، بعد حصوله على شهادة الثانوية العامة/ القسم العلمي سنة 1979، من مدرسة صلاح الدين الايوبي الثانوية، بنغازي ليبيا، وفى سنة 1980 التحق الباحث بالجامعات الأمريكية لدراسة اللغة الانجليزية، حيث التحق بمركز تعليم اللغة الانجليزية التابع لجامعة جورج تاون، واشنطون، بهدها انتقل الي جامعة بريستول البريطانية لدراسة فصل دراسي واحد، بعدها انتقل إلى كلية ايكارد كولج (Eckard College) بولاية فلوريدا، حيث التحق بكلية ارلندو لدراسة العلوم السياسية، وبعد رجوعه إلى بلده سنة 1981 منع من العودة إلى الولايات المتحدة، وفى نفس السنة تمكن الباحث من التحول إلى كندا لمواصلة تعليمه حيث التحق بجامعة كونكورديا Concordia University ) ، مونتريال، وجامعة ميجيل( McGill University)، بعدها واصل الباحث تعليمه المسائى فى كلية فانير، مونتريال (Vanier College) بعدها انتقل إلى جامعة باياشوب(Bishop’s University) في مدينة شيربروك( Sheerbrok) ، مقاطعة كويبك، ليتحصل منها على الشهادة الجامعية الأولى في العلوم السياسية بدرجة الشرف، بعدها انتقل الباحث إلى جامعة كارلتون، لمواصلة برنامج الماجستير فى السياسة والعلاقات الدولية، ولكن بحكم ضغوطات واشتراطات إقامة الطلبة الأجانب، في تلك الفترة، اقترح عليه أستاذهُ المشرف على رسالته للماجستير، بالانتقال معهُ إلى جامعة شيللر الأمريكية بفرنسا لمواصلة برنامجه، على إن يشرف عليه استاذه في جامعة شيللير الأمريكية، فرنسا Schiller International University))ٍوتحصل الباحث على درجة الماجستير في العلاقات الدولية، في حقل السياسة الخارجية، سنة1986، بعدها التحق الباحث بجامعة قاريونس، جامعة بنغازى حاليا، للتدريس بقسم العلوم السياسية، وفى سنة 1999 عين رئيسا لقسم العلوم السياسية الى سنة 2003، وفي سنة 1993 ارسل الباحث من جامعة بنغازى الى جامعة وارسو، بولندا(Warsaw University, International Relations Institute) لتحضير لدرجة التخصص الدقيق(الدكتوراه) حيث تحصل على درجة الدكتوراه فى العلاقات والسياسة الدولية من معهد العلاقات الدولية بجامعة وارسوا سنة 1996. وفي سنة 1999 عين الباحث رئيسا لقسم العلوم السياسية، جامعة بنغازي،وفى سنة 2010 عين الباحث مديرا تنفيذيا لمركز البحوث والاستشارات والتدريب بجامعة بنغازى، والذى يضم اكثر من 21 كلية علمية ونظرية، واكثر من 200 قسم علمى. الباحث عضو كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية، بقسم العلوم السياسية، الاكاديمية العربية ، الدنمارك. للباحث العديد من المؤلفات منها الكتب والدراسات المحكمة والمقالات الصحفية والكتابات العلمية في العديد من المراكز والمواقع الالكترونية، الي جانب مشاركاته العلمية في أكثر من مائة مؤتمر علمي عربي ودولي.
Name: ……Millad Moftal ELHARATHI………-mail: me379@cam.ac.Uk……milad.moftah@yahoo.com
Current Rank: …Assoc.Prof.………………………specialization: Political Science…………………………………………
Contact Number(S): …0044 7776756434
Academic Qualifications:*
Date | Award | Field of Study | Degree Awarding Institution | Country |
1999 | PhD | International Relations | Warsaw University | Poland |
1986 | Master | Political Science | Schiller International University | France |
1984 | Bachelor | Political Science | Bishop’s University | Canada |
Membership in Recognized Professional Bodies (if any)*
§ Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board, Politics and Religion Journal, Serbia( 2009 until present).
§ The Arab Association for Futuristic Studies , Khartoum, Sudan, 2013( Present).
§ Member of theEditorial Board of the European Scientific Journal (ESJ), 2011(present).
- Regular Reviewer for the Mediterranean Journal of Social Science (MJSS) (present).
- Regular Reviewer for the Journal of Education and Science Research (JESR) (present).
§ Regular Reviewer for the American Political Science REVIEW Journal (2013).
§ Regular Reviewer of the Journal of Social and Development Studies (JSDS) Editorial Board as a Reviewer (Present).
§ Meetings Organizing Committee Member, Laying the Ground For Prospects Nuclear Security and Nuclear Non-proliferation in the Meddle East, the Arab Institute for Security Studies, Amman, Jordan.
§ Permanent Member of the French Institute for Governanceand Debate.
§ Visiting Professor, Moscow State University, Faculty of Political Science Department (2013).
§ Visiting Professor, Arab Academy, Faculty of Law and political Science, Denmark.
§ Human Rights Center, Scientific Council Member, and Editorial Board Member, Jinan University, Lebanon, To present
§ Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, Organizational Committee Member, April, 2013, Portugal.
§ Editorial Board Member and Regular Reviewer of Educational and Social Research Journal (ESRJ), Mediterranean Center for Social and Education Research MCSER To prsent.
- Journal Editorial Board member, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal (IOSRJ) To present
Experience (List from the current position to backwards 15 years)
Period From | Period To | Position Function | Company / Institution | Place of Employment |
1999 | 2003 | Political Science Dep. Chair | Benghazi University | Libya |
1987 | 2011 | Political Science Dep. Staff Member | Benghazi University | Libya |
2008 | 2011 | Executive Director | Research, Training and Consultative Center | Benghazi University |
2013 | 2013 | Visiting Professor | Moscow State University | Moscow, R. |
2014 | 2015 | Research Fellow | Clare College, University of Cambridge | UK |
Teaching Areas (List Courses Taught Both At Undergraduate and Graduate Level In the Last 10 Years)
Undergraduate Level: Political Science, Public Administration, International Politics, Development and Modernization, Public Policy,
Graduate Level: Comparative Public Administration , Methodology for Social Science, Political Model, International Politics Theories, International Organizations, Political Systems, Regional Studies: Integration& Complementary, Political Blocks, Regional Development Politics, Regional Organizations, and Global Governance.
Consultancy Experience, if any (list from current to 15 yrs backward)
…1) Executive Director , of the Research , Training and Consultative Center, Benghazi University , Libya Benghazi.
(2) Training: Programmer: Public Administration Re-habiltation, Strategy and planning Building, Administration and Leadership, Local Governance, Local Government and and Transparency,
(3) Special Experience Interests:
- Project Identification, Formulation and Execution.
- Education Sector Studies and Analysis.
- Project Documentation.
- Negotiations with Funding Agencies and Donors.
List your actual publications (in English) for the last five years in the order of author, title, year, journal name, and pages
English Publications:
- Understanding Political Culture in the Arab Mediterranean Revolts: Challenges and Prospects for EU, World Affairs Journal, India, October, 2012.
- Arab African Northern Revolt States (2010-2014): the Missed Path for Re-institutionalization and Democratic Transformation, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, Vol. 8. No.8, November 2014(PP: 254-259).
- Libya and NATO: Revolt, Upheaval, Uprising, World Affairs Journal, June 2014.
- Libya and North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Revolt, War and Intervention, Journal of South Asian Studies, November 2014.
- Arab African Revolt States: The Missed Path of Re-Institutionalization , LAMBERT ACADEMIC Publishing House, Germany, 2015.
- Libya and NATO: Revolt, Upheaval, Uprising, World Affairs Journal, June 2014.
- Quality Assurance Institutionalization Indicators, International Journal of Engineering and Social Science, Vol.3, no.10, October 2012.
- Planning of Quality Assurance Institutionalization, Journal of Education and Vocational Research, 2012.
- Quality Assurance Institutionalization Concepts, European Scientific Journal, Vol. 28, November, 2012.
General Published Scholarly Articles
- “Reforming Political Science in the Arab Universities”, Arab Culture Journal, no 300, October 2008(59-51).
- Understanding Political Culture in the Arab Mediterranean Revolts: Challenges and Prospects for EU, World Affairs Journal, India, October, 2012.
- Libya and NATO: Revolt, Upheaval, Uprising, World Affairs Journal, June 2014.
- Islam and Democracy”, Shu”UN al-Awsat Journal, spring –spring, No.145, 2013 (150-186), Beirut, 2013.
- The Strategy Game in the Northern Korean , USA and Asian Aux Scenario , 2013
- Quality Assurance Institutionalization Indicators, International Journal of Engineering and Social Science, Vol.3, no.10, October 2012.
- Planning of Quality Assurance Institutionalization, Journal of Education and Vocational Research, 2012.
- Quality Assurance Institutionalization Concepts, European Scientific Journal, Vol. 28, November, 2012.
- “Political Society in Libya”, Arab Culture Journal, no.293, March, (2008).
- “Reforming the Political Science in the Arab Universities: Approach towards Arab Plan of New Political Scientific Research”, Arab Journal of Political Science, no.123, 2009, Lebanon.
- “Integration and Complementary Theory: Africa Case Study”, Higher Studies journal, no.13, fall 2004, Tripoli.
- “The Conceptual Framework of the African Politics and Government”, International politics Journal, no.173, July, 2008, Egypt.
- “Sustainable Development and the Human Rights”, Arab Affairs `Journal, no128, winter, Egypt, 2006.
- “Euro-Maghreb Relations”, Arab Future Journal, Lebanon, no.209, July 1996.
- “Localizing the Human Rights in Libya”, Almajal Journal, no. 11, summer, 2006.
- “New International System and Lockerbie Crisis”, AlkifahAlarbi, Lebanon, no. 912, 1996.
- “Civil Society and Culture of Democracy in the Arab World”, Almoatamre Journal, no.38, April 2005.
- “Maghreb Economic Integration in the 21 Century”, AlmustaqbleAlarabi, Lebanon, no. 187, 1994.
- “Libya between Constitution and Social Contract”, Almoatamre Journal, no.72, 2009.
- “The Civil Society in the West”, Almoatamre Journal, no42, 2005.
- “Political, Security and Cultural Framework for the Western Mediterranean Region”, Almoatamre Journal, no. 40, 2005.
- “The Civil Society Questions in Libya”, Almoatamre Journal, no, 49, March 2006.
- “Cooperation and Coordination between the European Commission and the Maghreb States”, Almoatamre Journal, no. 60, 2007.
- “Libyan Foreign Policy toward Black Africa since Revolution”, Middle East Affairs Journal, Summer-Fall 2003, and Vol. 9 (3-4)Google.
- “Libyan Foreign Policy: Planning and Decision Making “, International Studies Journal, no. 111, summer 2009, Tunis.
- ‘Libyan Foreign policy During Kaddafi’s Rule”, The Arab Political Science Journal, no, 23, 2010.
- “Poverty and the Problem of Development and Democracy in the Globalization Times”, Arab Affairs Journal, Cairo, no. 138, summer, 2009.
- “Reforming the Arab Political Science”, International Studies Journal, Tunis, No. 121, 2009.
- “Functionalism Theory: African Union Case”, African Studies Journal, no. 2, 2010, African Studies Centre, Libya, 2010.
” Libyan Foreign Policy: The Missed Answers of Questions”, the Arab Journal of Political Science, Lebanon, no. 123, fall, 2010.
List your research work that has been accepted for publication but has not appeared in press yet (forthcoming):
List your research work that is currently under consideration (submitted) for publication:
المخطوطات التالية من نشر وطبع وتوزيع دار الكتاب الجامعي/ العين الامارات العربية المتحدة، University Book Publishing House, Al ain, Emirates :
- الادارة المحلية والديمقراطية الجوارية/ طبع وفي انتظار التوزيع
- The Local Administration and Localizing Democracy, Printed.
- مستقبل التعليم الجامعي في الوطن العربي/ طبع وفي انتظار التوزيع
- The Future of University Education in the Arab World, Printed.
- مباديء علم السياسة المعاصر/ تحت الطبع
- Contemporary Political Science Principals
- السياسة الدولية المعاصرة/ تحت الطبع
- Contemporary International Politics
- قضايا عالمية معاصرة/ تحت الطبع
- Contemporary World Issues
- التنمية والدمقرطة وحقوق الانسان في أفريقيا/ طبع وفي انتظار التوزيع
- Development, Democratization and Human Right in Africa, Printed
- الامننة في إقليم غرب المتوسط/ تحت الطبع
- Securitization in the Mediterranean Region,
- سياسات وقضايا مغاربية / طبع وفي انتظار التوزيع
- Maghreb Issues and Politics
List Your Research Work that Appeared in International Conference Proceedings in the Last Five Years.
§ Prague International Academic Conference 2012, (Paper), “Planning of Quality Assurance Institutionalization Politics: Libyan University Development Policy Case”, December, 4-7-2012, Prague.
§ “ Framework for Understanding Regional Complexes Compound Securitization Politics in the Western Mediterranean Region” Global Insecurities International Conference 2014 ( 21-22, November, 2014), University of Bristol, UK.
§ “ Total Quality Management Technicality in Higher Education from Distance” AROQA 6th annual conference 2014, Muscat , Oman( 10-11 December, 2014.
§ The first International Conference on Education from Distance, Khartoum University for Science and Technology, (19-22-2-2014) Paper ( The Future of Learning from Distance in the Arab World), 2014.
§ The fifth International Conference of Think Tank Forum of OIC Countries ( 21-22, 2, 2014, Bagdad, Iraq (paper: the Dialogue of Differentiate)2014.
§ The first meeting of the Arab Association of Futuristic Studies, (Paper: How We Think, How we remember, How we Forget, How We learn?, ( 19-20-2-2014, Bagdad, Iraq, Cooperation with Iraqi Group for Strategic Studies, 2014).
§ The 9th International Conference of Quality Management in the System of Education and Training( CIMQUSEF2012) from 11- 13 December, 2012, Cooperation with the UNESCO, ( paper)( Planning of Education Institutionalization in Libya).
§ WEI (West-East Institute, International Eurasian Academic Conference, Turkey, 2013, (paper), “Planning of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Libya”, Turkey, January, 13-16-2013, Turkey.
§ Central Connecticut University, UAS, the International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS)Conference,(paper) Re-institutionalizing Higher Education in Libya, Malta, 3-7-March 2013, Malta.
- Administrative Knowledge in Globalization Era Conference, 2012, Jinan University, Paper, Planning of Quality Assurance Institutionalization Politics: Libyan University Development Policy Case, Lebanon, December, 17-21, 2012.
- The International Conference of Assurance and Institutionalization in Higher Education”, Gulf University, Bahrain, 2012(Paper on Re-institutionalization of Qauliy in Higher Education).
- “Annual International Conference on the Mediterranean Studies”, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, 2012 (Paper).
- The Fifth World University Forum”, University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, 8-10 January 2012, (Paper).
- “The 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference”, Valencia, Spain (March, 2012) (paper).
§ The 3th international Conference “ Toward Regional Security” Iraqi Group for Strategic Studies, Bagdad, 23-24 Feb, 2013. (Paper: Regional Securitization in the Mediterranean Rim).
§ The Maghreb Forum: Re-institutionalize the Private and Public Property in terms of Legislations, Algeria, 2014( paper) .
§ 2013 2nd International Conference on Governance, Law, and Culture (ICGLC0 2013), January 19-20, 2013, Dubai, UAE, (Paper: Sustainable Development Governance for Fighting Poverty in Africa).
§ The Sixth Annual Poverty and Social Protection Conference, Paper, “Sustainable Development Governance for Fighting Poverty in Africa“, March, 9-11-2013, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 2nd InternationalConference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE-2013)
Role of Education and Technology Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 09-10, 2013
§ The Third International Conference on Human Rights Education, Cracove, Poland, paper, ” Human Intervention: Moralism Vis Via Realism, Libya and NATO” , December, 6-10-2012, Poland, Jagiellonski University, Krakow, Poland.
- Islamic Finance and Development”, Harvard Law School, Islamic Legal Studies Program, the Ninth Forum (2012) (Participation). (USA).
- The Maghreb Conference of the Local Governance,“The Local Governance Institutionalization in Libya”, Ourgala University, 2-3, November 2012 Algeria.
- Management& Globalization in the Eraof Knowledge Conference, “Planning of Quality Assurance Institutionalization in the Libyan Higher Education Institutions in New Libya”, Jinan University, Lebanon, Tripoli, November, 10-11-12-2012.
- “Laying the Ground for Nuclear Security and Non-proliferation: Proposals for Korea 2012, November, 28, 29, 30, December, 1, 2011, Amman, Jordan. (Panelist).
- “The International Conference of Assurance and Institutionalization in Higher Education”, Gulf University, Bahrain, 2012(Paper).
- “Annual International Conference on the Mediterranean Studies”, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, 2012 (Paper).
- “Middle East in Revolt: The First Anniversary”, Asian Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia, (2012) (Paper).
- “
- “The International Conference on Leadership and Social Change in Muslim World: Challenges and Prospects”, Feb. 2012, International Islamic University, Malaysia, (2012) (Paper).
- “Developing the Parliamentarian System in the Maghreb States”, Ourgala University, Algeria, Feb, 2012, (Paper).
- “Civil Society Role in the Unification of Maghreb Unity Symposium”, Morocco, (2001) (Two Papers).
- “Civil Society Organizations Conference”, (Paper) 2003, Addis Ababa,
- “Arab-Ethiopia’s Relations” cooperation with Canadian-Ethiopian Cooperation Council, Symposium, Addis Ababa, (2003) (paper).
- “Libyan Historical Association Conference”, (paper), Libya, (2002).
- “Public Administration Conference” Ethics and Professionalism”, (Two Papers) Tripoli, Libya (2002)
- “African Union Symposium, Tripoli University, Libya, (Paper) (2001).
- Round Table about Human Rights, Sirt, Libya, (paper) (2005) paper.
- Democracy Practice in the Traditional African Heritage, Conference, (Study) Sirt, (2006)
- Medium- Small Sized corporative Conference, Benghazi University, (Paper) Libya (2006).
- United Nations and Arab League Conference: Between Reform Calls, Amman, Jordan (paper) (2006)
- “Authoritarian and Liberation Conference”, Benghazi University, Libya (2009)
- “Capital Knowledge and its Role in Development” Symposium, (Participation) Sirt University, 2006(participant).
- “The Historical Review of the Political Development in Libya from 1952 to 1969”, Benghazi University, (Participation) (2009).
- “Globalization and Identity”, Symposium, Sirt, Libya (2009)( paper).
- “Public Professionalism and Ethics”, Symposium, Tripoli, Libya, (2004) (papers).
- United Nations International Responsibility and Supper Powers Domination”, United Nations Reform Symposium, Gharyounis University, and October, 2009, (paper).
- Islamic Finance and Development”, Harvard Law School, Islamic Legal Studies Program, the Ninth Forum (2012) (Participation).
- -Management Globalization in the Age Of Knowledge Conference, ” Planning of Quality Assurance Institutionalization in the Libyan Higher Education Institutions in New Libya”, Jinan University , Lebanon , Tripoli, November, 10-11-12-2012.
- “Laying the Ground for Nuclear Security and Non-proliferation: Proposals For Korea 2012, November, 28, 29, 30, December, 1, 2011, Amman, Jordan. (Panelist)
- “Middle East in Revolt: The First Anniversary”, Asian Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia, ( March2012) (Paper).
Personal Information:
- Nationality: Libyan……………………………………………….
- Marital Status: …Married …………………………………………
- Number of Children: …2……….. Their Ages: … Daughter (15) Son (9) years
- Date of Availability: Al the times available
Please attach hard or soft copies as of your Passport, Academic Transcripts, and Certificates.
Short CV
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TELE: 0044 7776756434
Dr. Professor Milad ELHARATHI currently is a visiting fellow, at The University of Cambridge, UK. He is a former Chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Benghazi, Libya, where he specializes in International political theory, comparative politics, politics of power, Civic society agencies, particularly in modern Libya. Including his long-term as an executive director of the Researching Centre, Benghazi University,Libya. He has written widely on issues of politics, culture, and political development in Libya, including: Libyan: State: From Personalization to Institutionalization (2013); Reforming Political Science in the Arab Universities”, Arab Culture Journal, 2008, Understanding Political Culture in the Arab Mediterranean Revolts: Challenges and Prospects for EU, World Affairs Journal, India, Libya and NATO: Revolt, Upheaval, Uprising, World Affairs Journal, June 2014, Islam and Democracy”, Shu”UN al-Awsat Journal, spring, Beirut, 2013; The Strategy Game in the Northern Korean, USA and Asian Aux Scenario , The Arab Democratic Centre, 2013; Political Society in Libya”, Arab Culture Journal, (2008); Integration and Complementary Theory: Africa Case Study, Higher Studies journal, 2004, Tripoli; The Conceptual Framework of the African Politics and Government”, International politics Journal, 2008, Egypt; Sustainable Development and the Human Rights”, Arab Affairs `Journal, Egypt, 2006; Euro-Maghreb Relations”, Arab Future Journal, Lebanon, 1996; Libyan Foreign Policy toward Black Africa since Revolution”, Middle East Affairs Journal, Summer-Fall 2003; Libyan Foreign Policy: Planning and Decision Making “, International Studies 2009, Tunis, in addition two critical books on the African politics and government and Political Islam in the Contemporary World, Iraq, 2014, including his major book about securitization entitles “ National Securitization Challenges in the Western Mediterranean (2013) ; and has published a familiar book about the state formation in modern Libya entitles “ Questions and Approaches to Development in Libya”, 2011; He lectures widely in a variety of Maghreb Universities including Moscow State University, and has received numerous academic awards, including the University of Cambridge for (CARA) the Council of Academic Risk Assistance 2014.
الدكتور ميلاد مفتاح الحراثي